ConExpo 2020 Recap
This past March I attended my 7th ConExpo in Las Vegas, however this time I was wearing a different hat. The past shows I was attending as a producer, in a high-level management position, typically looking for better and more efficient ways to produce aggregates.
Since starting a training company 6 years ago, my focus isn’t so much on the equipment as it is the people. If there is one thing that I have seen change in the 30 plus years of being involved in the industry, it’s that the equipment is now easier to get than the people.
While I was there I attended some of their many great seminars since they have what I would call a great variety, of world-class teachers and trainers there to give back to the industry, I took advantage of it. While attending one such seminar a gentleman sitting beside me introduced himself and said Hey I follow you on social media, that was cool.
It’s too bad the coronavirus had some people reluctant to attend, they said the shows numbers were down from the typical 150,000 people, who usually invest in themselves by attending. I was thrilled that I was finally able to meet in person, many of the friends I have made on social media, and grow those relationships even more.
There has always been a lot of interest for my services, in many remote locations, that was a challenge for me to always get to in person. With the pandemic we are facing, I have been concentrating on developing my online training more, it’s amazing how fast we can learn to dance when someone is shooting at our feet.
Now I have been able to access not only more locations across the country but also numerous teams, who are being forced to stay at home because of the quarantine. The first thing I always hear from companies is we would love train, however, we are too busy, those same companies, have now seen the value investing in their people, while they are no longer able to work onsite.