Ask Them Before They Leave
Ask Them Before They Leave: 7 Stay Interview Questions To Improve Retention. Many companies have adopted the use of the “exit interview” as a means to gain feedback on an employee's experiences in a certain role, or with a certain company. While this is a straightforward way to get an honest review of a former employee’s experience, if the employee is leaving on anything but good terms, this leaves the employer open to potentially widespread criticisms. A tactic that some companies have adopted is to hire their competitors' former employees to get feedback that they can then use to leverage themselves as the choice employer in the field.
Particularly with today’s trades worker shortage, it is more important than ever to not just attract, but retain your employees. The people who work for you have the potential to be leaders within your company, and help your business achieve the success it is looking for. So instead of asking them about their experiences after they have closed the door, look at what you can ask them instead to help them feel better about being a part of your team. This type of interview is often referred to as the “stay interview”.
Here are a few examples of stay interview questions to ask your team to improve turnover rates, and ensure employee satisfaction is high within your company:
Taking the time to understand how your team is feeling will really allow you to set your company apart from the others and grow a team that is proud, working towards a common goal, and exercising the leadership ability that underscores your success.