On top of the personally tailored training experiences offered by Nesbitt Training, Mark occasionally takes his inspirational talks to live events to speak to and reach like-minded individuals. These events are limited and often fill up fast, making advance booking necessary.


Mark Nesbitt

Mark Nesbitt accumulated over 30 years of experience, expertise and leadership in the Ottawa construction industry filling staff, supervisory and managerial roles including General Manager of Quarry Operations for one of Ontario’s top aggregate producers.

In numerous engagements, he played a vital role in recruiting, training, and promoting employees while helping organizations clarify their vision and establish the goals, roles, systems and processes to reinforce that vision. By studying John Maxwell’s teachings for over 15 years, he acquired the knowledge and tools necessary to help people increase their effectiveness, advance their careers, and create a highly productive, safer organization.

About The John Maxwell Company

John C Maxwell is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker and author. In May 2014, Maxwell was named the # 1 leadership and management expert in the world by INC Magazine. Mark Nesbitt is an independent Certified Coach, Teacher and Speaker for the John Maxwell Team.


  • Feb 17-18, 2023
Feb 17-18, 2023

Concrete Expo

February 17-18, 2023

More info to come!

Sign up for my mailing list to find out when registration opens.


  • Leadership & Retention
  • Construction Leadership
  • Next Gen. of Leaders
Leadership & Retention

Leadership & Retention Webinar

Concrete Wins Alberta #TalentTuesdays

In this webinar, Mark uncovered how quality leadership attracts and most importantly retains your best people. Mark shared some simple, yet very “easy-to-apply” skills that have been proven to work with leaders around the world. “Everything rises and falls on leadership” — it’s the one thing we have any control over.

Construction Leadership


Success is knowing your purpose in life; growing to your maximum potential; sowing the seeds that benefit others. It is a rather simple recipe yet requires awareness, study, practice and mentoring to achieve. The Four Elements of Success are REAL (Relationships, Equipping, Attitude and Leadership). To be a REAL success it is imperative to RELATE to others better, to take others to a higher level by EQUIPPING them for success, to understand the affect your ATTITUDE has, and to improve it through daily practice and LEADING others to where you have gone and beyond. Join Mark and hear how easy it is to be a REAL success in your business

Next Gen. of Leaders



No organization can succeed without good leaders. And a leader’s most important task is to acquire and keep good people, and make leaders out of them. This is because in any organization or company, people are the only assets that can continually appreciate. Systems become dated, buildings deteriorate, and machinery wears down. But people grow, develop and become more productive and effective if they have a good leader who understands their value.

Organizations cannot increase their value or productivity without people. An organization’s growth potential is directly related to its personnel potential. A good leader is someone who knows how to develop other leaders.