Getting Charitable With Your Team This Holiday Season. 

The holiday season is among us, and with it comes feelings of joy, excitement, and goodwill. Particularly relevant today, many people are feeling eager to get out and enjoy the festive season to the fullest, after many holidays being sidelined while our country searched for ways to cope with a global pandemic. This year, with parades returning to the streets, gatherings allowed, and employees heading back to work, many people are feeling connected and engaged during the holidays once again. 

For businesses, however, the excitement may be short-lived if their leaders don’t get proactive. Many employees experience heavier workloads, distractions, heightened demand, shorter deadlines, and increased pressure to meet year-end goals during the holiday season. These circumstances can be overwhelming for even our best and most experienced workers, especially coming off of such an exceptional year. In keeping your employees engaged at work during the holidays, staff satisfaction and morale can remain top-level at the workplace. 

An excellent way to achieve this goal is by involving your business and employees in an initiative to raise funds or donations for a charity. Engage your team in what the holiday season is really about by working as a collective to give back. Working towards a charitable cause that benefits your local community offers a sense of fulfillment and unity among your team, and extends workplace cheer. There are many different charities to choose from, and many different ways to gather donations. Depending on the level of involvement you can afford, you can encourage your team to bring in monetary donations, or run a fundraiser to increase staff involvement and maximize your contributions.

Not only does this motivate employees to give back, but the ripple effect will also have a positive outcome:

  • Local charities will profit off of your donations, helping those in need this holiday season 
  • Team spirit at work will be increased 
  • Motivation among employees will remain high 
  • Inspires the leaders in your business to be aware of community needs 
  • Morale improves both individually and as a collective 
  • Unites your team as a whole 
  • Community involvement will benefit your business and increase visibility

As leaders, it is essential that we inspire our employees and encourage action and productivity. It is important to take into consideration what your team needs to feel valued, motivated, and capable all year long to ensure your business is running like a well-oiled machine. However, the holiday months can feel like a bit more of a hurdle for everyone. Use this time to connect with and engage your employees to better your community, your business, and embrace the holiday spirit to the fullest. 

Merry Christmas, Everyone!